Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Poetess, My Troubadour

I am just a troubadour
a simple man of songs
unsure of where I'm going to
Not sure where I belong

I look at you, your golden hair
I gaze upon your face.
Please take my hand, oh lady fair
and fill the empty space.

I am just a poetess
A lover of sweet words.
I speak of life, so lyrical
the secrets of my heart.

I seek a truth that few have seen
The journey is my own.
I go my way in solitude
I travel all alone.

When contemplating o'er my tapestries
the feelings just aren't there.
The loves I've written of are fantasies
illusive as the air.

You beckon me with words you weave
with dreams you lay to rhyme.
And oh to be a dream you have
your poet for all time.

And in the middle of my melodies
I sometimes lose the words.
With you beside me I find harmony
a song I've never heard.

If you could be my perfect love
and tell me of love's peace.
My days with you would be enough.
My longings then would cease.

I'm not the kind you've known before.
a lover like the wind,
My love grows stronger every day
a gift forever sent.

Living life apart in loneliness
would never be the same.
Come and wrap me in your tenderness
and whisper soft my name.

And if it should be we fall away
Our time is not too long.
I'll write of you in my poetry.
And you will be my song.

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