Monday, February 1, 2010

Project Spartan: The New Conservatism

What is the response to fear of socialism? I think it will eventually be fascism. Scott Brown the new proclaimed superstar of the Republican party says he's for abortion rights and I think it has more significance than just trying to appeal to women voters. It is a natural assumption that he is already testing the waters for a campaign in 2012 and yes, you have to sway those women who already like him for his apparent good looks. Conservatism desperately needs a new poster boy, one that does not look familiar, predictable and most of all ancient. But I think his stand on abortion provides us with a morbid foreshadowing of the new platform of the re-tooled Republican Party. It will in one fell swoop solve all problems, at least for some. It has to do with a reality check and facing grim truths about what it is to be human and mortal. I frequently refer to the term "survival of the fittest" which is a tenet of conservatism that justifies neglecting the needs of the poor or weak members in our society. An ambitious conservative recently made the analogy that suggested that poor people are like stray animals that shouldn't be fed because it would reward what he saw as irresponsible behavior. In effect he was saying that they should be allowed to die since they do not serve the system and moreover they drain the system of resources that could be used for more efficient use elsewhere. It is a popular idea among some far right groups already who support such thinking because they exist in a world of self denial where such inhumane policies, they feel, would never reach them or touch them in any future eventuality.
Spartan society was known for its practice of testing the worth of a male by setting him out in the wilderness to either survive or succumb to the natural forces of nature. Survival of the Fittest, if you will. It was meant to weed out weakness in their society and leave living to the more deserving. I think that's what the new conservatives are toying with today...the idea that too many people do too little to contribute to the vigor of our nation. Who can argue with the numbers? And it is about numbers. Frankly, there are too many damn people in this country.
The U.S. Population is at a little over 300 million currently. Apparently they all want access to food, shelter and healthcare. But to what end? Why help people who either can't or won't help themselves? The only logical solution is to eliminate that drain on our nation's resources. Do not feed, clothe, heal or otherwise assist those who can't make it on their own. And the next logical step would be zero population growth restrictions. We need to whittle down the number of people in this country to do away with unemployment. There are too many people needing too many jobs. The only problem with that method is that it would take too long to realize the benefits of such a plan. Mass extermination of undesirable citizens would be far more effective and results would be immediately realized. It would be an ultimate solution... a final solution... to a problem that just doesn't seem to want to go away. Today's technology can help those in power to determine who fits the bill of an asset or a liability to the new corporate conservative government. They have files on everybody, don't they? Your personal worth to our nation could be determined in the time it takes to peruse your employment and health history on a laptop. That's called efficiency.
Some students of history might think this proposal of new conservatism too closely resembles the "Night of Broken Glass" scenario of Nazi Germany. But honestly, who remembers that? That was so long ago and frankly, I'm not even sure that it even happened. People do have a tendency to exaggerate. Anyway, it's something to think about. Look for signs of this new attitude among the foot soldiers of the new conservatism. These new faces you are likely to see are looking for new ideas to revitalize a party that has lost it's way. I call the new conservative platform Project Spartan but I'm sure they will come up with something far more cool sounding. I can't wait to hear.

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