Monday, January 18, 2010

Quantum CrackPot Or Messianic Mess?

Times-Picayune January 19th 2010
"The country, and the world, is too far gone to be fixed by traditional means. The conflicts and misery that we find ourselves in now must be undone another way." So started our phone conversation with R Otis the self-proclaimed "Quantum Candidate" who quietly voiced his intention to take the White House in 2012. "I will assume responsibility for undoing the damage and setting things right.", Otis continued. "It must be done through technology that up until now has been kept from you. It may sound trite but it just takes time...more to the point, it takes the manipulation of Time as we know it. You have asked me to explain my statement "Time Heals Time" and that is the answer."
Stunned reporters listened as R Otis apparently advocated time travel as a viable solution to the problems currently plaguing our nation. Otis, looking like a cross between Jesus and a 60's throwback hippie, claims to have the means to carry out such a plan that most rational persons would dismiss as foolish and ridiculous. "He's been watching too much Doctor Who if you asked me.", said James Walker of Mandeville. "Who wouldn't want to do that...but it's science fiction."
Kelly Newman of Covington was equally suspicious. "So is that what it comes down to...Time Travel....he's a time traveler? Is that not an absurd notion?"
Otis smiled as he was told about the comments of others who painted him as a crackpot with messianic aspirations. "I make no claim to being a messiah...that is what you say. I am proposing a solution ...the solution for saving the nation and by doing so possibly the world. It will however require more than a magical wave of a hand."
Background checks on Otis have come back with no information which will by default arouse suspicion as to who he really is. Although he lives in a residence owned by R Otis, age 56, he is no relation to the older man who has chosen to take him in. There is a resemblance that suggests that they are in some way related but that is pure speculation whereas no documentation exists to confirm that thought. Reporters pressed him on the issue of his true identity and how he proposed to qualify to run as a viable candidate without proof of birthplace and year and other such information needed. He reiterated his intention to seek the office through unconventional means basically bypassing the election process and relying on eventual nationwide public support. In the mean time Otis continues to preach his doctrine of "Time Heals Time." His new campaign material hit the internet this past weekend with the hard hitting message of a nation headed for self-inflicted destruction or National Suicide.

1 comment:

  1. I love Dr. Who...Tom Baker was my fave...but this guy is ok...
