Friday, January 22, 2010

A Quantum Leap of Logic

Newswire Times-Picayune
January 21,2010
The still small voice of the so called Quantum Candidate who announced his candidacy for the White House in 2012 has received little encouragement from established political organizations. That may be due to his refusal to talk to the media and also to his insistence to bypass established political processes for qualifying for the office. His credentials are dubious since he cannot even provide the most basic documents to confirm his identity and nationality. That may trouble some, but those on the outer fringe of politics and science have what they believe is the answers to questions surrounding the man who is by some accounts claiming to be able to travel through time.
Philip Wells , a local St. Tammany businessman and admitted fan of science fiction, says he believes the presence of two individuals claiming to be R. Otis can be easily explained by a phenomenon known as a "Self Visitation Paradox." For those not versed in time travel mythology, a "Self Visitation Paradox" refers to the hypothetical existence of two "versions" of the same individual existing together in a given time frame due to one version or the other traveling through time and confronting himself. Wells, although skeptical of such an occurrence, insists that it would explain one mystery and confirm the other claim, that Otis has the ability to actually travel through time as some have surmised by his comments. Wells was quick to add that such a condition would represent a danger to the two versions of the individual. The paradox would have a tendency to attempt to resolve the time-space problem by cancelling out one of the individuals especially if they actually meet and touch one another. Otis has been silent in recent days and has not been available to deny the speculations about his identity.

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