Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Hole In Heaven

                                                   "Don't know where we come from
                                                    Don't know where we're going to
                                                    But if all of this should have a reason
                                                   We would be the last to know
                                                   So let's just hope there is a promised land
                                                   Hang on till then, as best as you can"
                                                                   Rock Me Baby

"The event that humanity had long anticipated with equal consternation and joy occurred unannounced and unexpectedly on the 17th of  June in the year 2019. The arrival of countless disembodied spirits of long dead relatives, friends and historical figures great and small from the beginnings of recorded time occupied the ether of the globe  and its skies. Ancient and alien creatures long dead and beasts yet to be, drifted silently half transparent and barely carnate above the cities, mountains, plains, valleys and over the vastness of the oceans and the seas. This event...this overflow of spirit into creation, and more specifically upon our world, happened with little notification from the cosmos itself. We did not understand immediately. It began as an anomaly in space. A slight quiver in the gravitational pull of what our scientists used to call the monster black hole in galaxy NGC 1277 in the constellation Perseus. An observation...   It was a sign of what was to come, both beautiful and horrifying and monumentally staggering in its implications. Nothing malevolent in the beginning but something that quickly transformed into an event that most would expect from divine heavenly hosts of angels preparing the earthly masses for the arrival of their God. Amazing at first as an expanding spectacular celestial light show, it became a gut wrenching sickening experience that some interpreted as the end of time itself, a collective realization that all regrets and revelations had come to fruition at last.  But it wasn't... and as it happened in its finality it gave answers to questions that humanity had grappled with since its inception eons and eons before. The gushing forth of consciousness from this hole in heaven into the realm of the corporeal finally provided the answers to questions we had craved for thousands of years
    We came to understand that all of our mythology explaining the great mystery of what our Creator was and had been, was false and merely manipulation of men by other men throughout our history.
For the living , the apparitions described a version of the afterlife...the other side and the true nature of existence that no one had considered. Every possibility of consciousness all past, present and future released back onto the physical plane and allowed to partially reincarnate into all it had ever been, all at once. Every version of every individual who ever existed or would exist...their knowledge demolished, shattered  all perceptions of God and Heaven and Hell. The Heavenly Father was gone and with Him all concepts of a human savior or ancient enemy of mankind. They no longer made sense.The idea of God as a deity that demanded worship was a misconception constructed by unenlightened souls and opportunistic beings struck ignorant from their separation from their places in the eternal consciousness.This we understood now.
   The Black Hole , or the Hole in Heaven as it was eventually dubbed was merely and fantastically an aperture, an Einstein bridge of sorts separating the material from the thought...the discarnate from the  carnate. It was a holding pen for the entirety of what we now know as the original  consciousness. The intelligence that existed eternally and the originator of the physical universe itself. Out of this outpouring from the hole we  sensed an overwhelming regret from the consciousness itself conveyed to us all. We could call it God but it was cognizant of the flawed creation it had conceived itself. All of humanity had been and would be pieces of that consciousness and we were all responsible for its existence. What some had referred to as The Holy Spirit was this entity and it indeed was accesssible to us all through our eternal connection to our larger self. We could call it prayer if we wanted to because the connection could provide enlightened perspective. And if we wanted to believe in sin we had to acknowledge that our only sin was regret as accessories in the creation of the inferior material world that separated us from the eternal perfection that was the singularity itself. Pure love corrupted by flesh, intellect perverted by greed, mischief grown to cruelty, wisdom watered down by physical need...all opposite of what spirit had anticipated at the moment of inception of the material.
    What had prompted this release? It was a flaw in a flawed design, a weakness in the wondrous creation left to itself that inadvertently allowed the overflow to take place. And it was soon to be undone and resealed . In the days that followed the revelation, mankind pondered the truth of all existence and it made choices based on all that it now knew. Our fate...our collective destiny without fear, without pain, without judgement awaited us in the void.
    Globally, millions upon millions chose to end their lives and reunite with Spirit ending abruptly the struggles and unhappiness of the material world. They understood it for what it was for them... an inferior existence compared to what awaited us all. But what may have been more wondrous or more miraculous was that many chose to stay.... holding out for hope and reluctant to abandon the flawed creation. It was no surprise that the wealthy and the powerful chose not to leave. The privileged saw no reason to hurry given  how they had grown in stature outside of consciousness....outside of the collective one in favor of the  mine.
    There is beauty in the world... and goodness. We ,the remaining, realized the significance of very specific and small things that, although acknowledged in Spirit, would lack power separated from our physical senses. There is value in the material. To feel, to see and hear the beauty in this broken cosmic creation. But it was but a whisper ...a glimpse of the beauty from wherein it was derived.
     Spirit gave pause in its decision to close the aperture once again, for in its transcended state it
acknowledged the effect of time on memory and humanity's predilection for re defining the truth to suit its own immediate need in the carnate world. Humanity would comprehend and assimilate this accidental epiphany for now but over generations the truth would again become confused and revert to the state it had been previously before the outpouring in this Hole in Heaven.  Wars would again erupt. Hatred and violence would be reborn as new generations wrote their own eclectic versions of the origin and meaning of life.  In this way the unity and understanding given to us by this consciousness...this spirit, would be lost.  The Hole In Heaven would become an event half remembered and half translated into a fictional mythology as before. It will be a story full of supernatural creatures,  jealous gods, divine wars
and fearful obedient sheep praying to and worshiping their God.

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