Thursday, March 29, 2012

My One True Love

When she is gone
then will I cling to you
I will turn to you
and fall apart
And crumble into nothing
Yours to reassemble
Yours to redefine

I will come to you for comfort
And hold you as I held her
I will call her name as I look into your eyes
and beg for your forgiveness of that sin.
Each kiss upon your mouth will be a Judas kiss
With each clutched hand and every passionate embrace
your sense of self will wane, as you become my consolation.

I will drain the life from you, solely selfish sustenance.
All for the sake of another, who you will never be
And wish above all else that you were somehow her
She who stood alone and loved without condition.
For all those things she was to me
You then will take her place
And I will be your newborn child.

Your breath across my neck
recalls her tender touch.
Recalls her sweet perfection in a world too far beneath her.
Your words ring so familiar, still remind me of the lips
from whence they first were spoken.
You will assume that thankless task of washing her away.
while striving to be what she once was.

I am the more to blame for never letting go.
More than you who settles for what is left behind.
Of me and my devotion to a memory just removed..
Acknowledged in advance the sacrifice you make
It is more than I should ask
of a faithful proxy...of a silent surrogate
of my  new and one true love

1 comment:

  1. Accept each new chapter of love in your life on it's own merits. Never ask or expect someone to be your surrogate lover for someone from your past. It is disingenuous,unbecoming, and unfair to your New And One True Love as you so aptly point out in this prose. ThBigEZsCadillacJack
