Friday, January 6, 2012

A Crooked Tree

I visited the spot where we first met and fell in love.
I noticed that the tree there had grown much larger.
An annoying observation. A crooked tree so large.
Returning even later I resolved to cut it down.
And with an axe I did so.
providing temporary solace.

Gathering the remnants of the trunk and limbs
I carted them away to my backyard.
And whittled them into manageable pieces
placing them together and then lighting a match.
The fire burned for hours leaving only charred remains
and smoke that drifted in the air and burning my eyes.

Later in the week I happened by the spot once more
expecting only modest evidence of my crime.
Instead I met with utter disbelief the self same tree.
The crooked tree renewed. Larger than before.
Its branches and canopy almost filling the sky

stretching out its healthy bough
brushing my face as I surveyed the massive wonder.

I will cut it down again today and as before tend the burning embers.
the cremated corpse of such a large and crooked tree
And as I leave to retrieve my axe, a thought occurs to me.
I will cut it down today...and probably tomorrow...and the day after that.

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