Monday, November 30, 2009

A New Face

I just got tired of the Farmville updates, the e-hugs, the "what does your name mean", the "what cartoon character are you" quizzes and oh yeah, the Christian conservatives that hog Facebook with their Hallmark card personas and ignorant political stands and , as is typical, the ridicule of anyone who pokes holes in their logic or beliefs. But what should I have expected? It is after all a social network. Once the initial excitement of reuniting with old friends and all the catching up is done , you're left with uncomfortable silence and the realization that your life is pretty routine to most everyone, so that boredom...that silence... must be filled with inane electronic messages generated and created by someone who probably laughs at those who feel that they are really connecting with the outside world in a meaningful way. Facebook is like a woman who suckers you into believing that it's You who are making the decisions for the both of you, all the while telling you to "friend" this one and that one and "become of fan" of something you hold no real interest in. In fairness, I will say that there are some who were brave enough to put themselves out there and be real...but they were few in number.
Anyway, that's why I'm here. Maybe I'm kidding myself but I need a creative outlet that doesn't resent my presence online. If I need a hug, I'll get one made of flesh and blood. More later.

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